Где купить воду Agua Pura?
Ул. Пиротска 9
Бул. Дондуков 11
Ул. Раковски 116
Ул. Гочо Иванов 30
Ул. Александровска 58
Ж.К. П. Р. Славейков 111
Ул. Св. Княз Борис 93
Бул. Цар Симеон Велики 105а Ет. 1
Бул. Цар Симеон Велики 218
Стара Загора
Бул.Македония 2
Бул. Руски 54
Ул. Райко Даскалов 8
Ул. Братя Миладинови N 25
Бул. Цар Освободител 1 Б
Бул. Георги Данчев 26
Бул. Славянски 30
Ул. Гочо Иванов 30
Ул. 8-Ми Март 2
Ул. Цар Иван Страцимир 2
Where to buy Agua Pura?
Pirotska Street 9
Dondukov Boulevard 11
Rakovski Street 116
Gocho Ivanov Street 30
Aleksandrovska Street 58
J.K. П. Р. Slavejkov 111
Street. St. Knyaz Boris 93
Bull. Tsar Simeon the Great 105a Et. 1
Bull. Tsar Simeon the Great 218
Stara Zagora
Macedonia Blvd 2
Bull. Russki 54
Raiko Daskalov Street 8
Brothers Miladinov Street N 25
Bull. Tsar Osvoboditel 1 B
Bull. Georgi Danchev 26
Bull. Georgi Danchev 26
Gocho Ivanov Street 30
St. 8-Mi Mart 2
Tsar Ivan Stracimir Street 2

We work to ensure that everyone has access to clean water

Our mission is to provide our customers with clean and beneficial water of the highest quality.
Made in Bulgaria

Agua Pura – a contribution to public health

We live in Bulgaria, and every day, we and our families drink water. It's important to us that this water is clean, beneficial, and that we can be absolutely confident in its composition. We have built our production responsibly and meticulously, knowing that our children will be drinking this water. Now we are ready to offer the market what we, our families, and the companies we work with have been missing.
Contact us in any convenient way to discuss the details.

Want to become our partner?

All of Agua Pura’s production is funded locally – by us and our partners. We are 100% committed to the project and personally involved in its development, so we are always open to partnerships and investment proposals.

From Bulgaria – For Bulgaria!

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We are always happy to welcome new partners who are ready to reach new heights together with us. Fill out the form below and we will contact you to discuss opportunities for cooperation.

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Production with minimal environmental impact

We have installed the most efficient production line, allowing us to save electricity and avoid unnecessary resource use. All waste and test forms are recycled, and plastic usage at the facility is kept to a minimum.
social responsibility

Important documents

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We are always looking for specialists who want to create a quality product for their families to join our team. Contact us, and we will tell you about the current vacancies.

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Fill out the form and we will contact you to clarify the details

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Company details
Bulgaria, 8249, Gyulyovtsa, Agua Pura Production
Bulgaria, 8240, Sunny Beach, Bulgaria, Silver Springs Apartments